Wellness Blog

Is Chocolate Bad For You?

According to a recent Huffington Post article, eating dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage is a part of a healthy diet. If you’ve never eaten dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage, you may be in for a surprise. Dark chocolate has a very different taste than traditional milk chocolate but is packed with read more…

Tennis Elbow: You can Get It Even if You Have Never Played Tennis!

A common complaint we encounter at Washington Wellness Center is what’s commonly referred to as tennis elbow. Ironically, this condition called lateral epicondylitis is rarely caused by playing the actual game of tennis. Any repetitive movement of the forearm muscles can cause pain in the forearm or elbow, including repetitive clicking of your computer mouse! read more…

Why Do I have Shoulder Pain?

At the first sign of shoulder pain, many wonder, “Did I tear my rotator cuff?” While this does happen from time to time, rotator cuff tears make up a small percentage of actual shoulder problems. Rotator cuff tears usually occur after trauma– – a fall or a car accident, where you should make sure that read more…

Decompression Therapy: A Nonsurgical Alternative to Chronic Back and Neck Pain

Nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy enables the body to use its own healing mechanisms to dramatically reduce chronic neck or back pain without drugs, surgery or painful injections. Perhaps better known as traction therapy, Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Therapy (NSSD) has existed as an effective treatment for spinal conditions for centuries. Early therapies targeted physical deformities such read more…

Getting Fit For Summer

It won’t be long before the warm days of summer are upon us. Many people are just starting to get active outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and so should you. This is a great time to start getting more active and focus on developing a healthy lifestyle. It might be the ideal time to read more…

Is a Standing Desk Right for You?

It’s pretty obvious that over the last few years people have become more health conscious. This is evident when thinking about the whole new world of wearable fitness solutions and apps for any type of workout you prefer. Not only is this changing the way we think about our health in general, it’s also changing read more…

Put the Spring Back in Your Step

The smell of spring, warm weather, and a fresh start – these are things we tend to think about now that the sun is shining and the weather is getting better. What many of us don’t consider is how to transition from the cold winter months into spring injury free.  After years of treating patients read more…

Can I Hurt My Back, Neck and Shoulders While I am Sleeping?

The short answer is YES. In our experience, the two most common reasons for this are the position you sleep in and the quality of your mattress. Let’s address the mattress issue first. The ugly truth is that mattresses wear out quickly! Even the manufacturers will tell you that the normal life expectancy for a read more…

Tips for Staying Active During Winter

Many people are concerned about getting enough exercise during the winter. Even though it’s cold outside, there are a number of ways to have fun and stay physically active. A lot of what you could do in summer outside you can still do in the winter; just wrap up warm! For example, paintballing is a read more…

Posture At Work

We addressed this topic in our newsletter several months ago but find that many of our patients are still struggling with sitting posture at work. Why is it so important? Many of us spend literally a third or more of our day at our desk, staring at a computer monitor. If not set up properly, read more…

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