Getting Fit For Summer

Washington Wellness Chiropractic

It won’t be long before the warm days of summer are upon us. Many people are just starting to get active outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and so should you. This is a great time to start getting more active and focus on developing a healthy lifestyle. It might be the ideal time to look into TRX Training and functional fitness for everyday ways to keep in shape. To avoid injury and stay healthy into the summer months, it’s important to ease into things.

With a rapid change in the weather, individuals tend to rush into a new physical routine that can cause sore muscles, strains, and other discomfort. Whilst using products like medical marijuana and CBD oils (some of which you can find here: can help reduce the swelling and pain, correcting the reasons for them starting in the first place is key. In fact, a very high percentage of injuries we treat in our practice stem from improper workout routines patients engage in. To avoid being among that crowd, consider these suggestions:

Increase activity time daily. If you like to jog or run, don’t try to beat your time from the end of last season. Start gradually and add distance and time as you become more comfortable. Those who overdo it in the beginning will find themselves more prone to injury. You might need to make some changes to your lifestyle to allow you to incorporate more exercise into your routine, for example you could move to a new neighbourhood that is closer to a gym, natural walking circuits, and pools.
Begin with modified exercises.When getting back into any routine, its often helpful to modify your activity before working at maximum capacity. For example, walk for a week or two before running, lift lighter weights when first back to the gym, or swim less distance before hitting the pool for super laps.

Stretch those muscles.Don’t underestimate the value of stretching your muscles using dynamic or static stretching. Although the value of static stretching has been debated, dynamic stretching, which involves warming up your muscles, is quite valuable and will optimize performance.

Find a buddy. When exercising with others, it’s sometimes easier to stay on task, progressing in unison. This can help to motivate you and integrate exercise into your daily routine over the long term.

Take advantage of the longer summer days to increase your overall conditioning. Research has shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from chronic pain. This alone can be a huge incentive to get outside this summer and exercise. If you already do suffer, however, then looking into medication choices available to you, such as opting to buy cbd online, can be a great help.

If you need some specific direction for an exercise program, please feel free to give us a call and set up a consultation with one of our providers. And, if you do injure yourself exercising, we are here to help alleviate your pain. Call us today!