Could Allergies and Asthma be Linked?

treating allergies and asthmaDo you suffer from allergies or asthma? It’s a little-known fact that these two conditions are directly linked to each other. Asthma, which affects roughly one in 12 people (according to the CDC), is characterized by spasms of the small airways and inflammation. Furthermore, about 90% of children under the age of 16 with asthma have allergies. About 70% of people between the ages of 16 and 30 have allergies, and 50% of adults over the age of 40 have allergies.

Are you Masking Your Asthma Symptoms?

Unfortunately, most people who suffer from allergies and asthma simply mask their symptoms with drugs instead of seeking a treatment for the root cause. Both of these conditions involve overreactions by the body’s immune system to what it believes is a foreign invader. When you are exposed to an allergen (e.g. ragweed, pet dander, etc.), your immune system produces and abundance of inflammatory hormones. This subsequently causes the symptoms of allergies and asthma to manifest.

There are several alternative treatment options available for allergies and asthma. One such option is making dietary and lifestyle changes. We live in age in which far too many people choose to pick up convenient fast food as opposed to cooking fresh meals. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional fast food burger, but basing the bulk of your diet around processed foods will take its toll. The lack of nutrients and increased intake of preservatives can disturb the immune system. This creates greater sensitivity to allergens. A better choice is to consume a diet rich in lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Can Herbal Medicine Help With Allergies?

Of course, herbal medicine is a time-tested alternative treatment for allergies and asthma. Some of the most popular herbs used to treat these conditions include stinging nettle, ginkgo biloba, green tea, and reishi. Each of these herbal remedies contain heavy concentrations of antioxidants. These antioxidants are believed to fight harmful chemicals in the body known as free radicals, which if left unchecked, may irritate existing conditions.

Acupuncture is also known to improve the symptoms for allergy and asthma sufferers. This Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) involves stimulating the body’s life force (Qi). This is done by placing small, thin needles directly under the skin. When a person’s Qi grows stagnant or experiences other problems, he or she is more susceptible to disease and illness. Therefore, correcting this problem through acupuncture will naturally deter allergies, asthma and other common problems.

Contact us today to learn how you can get back on track to better health!