Natural Ways to Help Stay in Cancer Remission

Natural Ways to Help Stay in Cancer Remission


There are a variety of ways to stay healthy once your cancer is in remission. Here are a few that are accessible to anyone in recovery.

Lifestyle changes

Diet can be a huge factor for staying healthy during cancer remission. You want to treat your body as best you can to prevent cancer from coming back. Boosting your immunity is essential for keeping your body’s defense working as
it should.

Berries are a no-brainer. Filled with cancer-fighting antioxidants, make sure you’re getting your daily dose of blueberries and raspberries to help prevent cancer from growing. Green tea is another must. This tea contains antioxidants that can help prevent cancer. Try drinking at least one cup a day. Make sure to
be eating whole grains and leafy green vegetables as well to keep an overall healthy diet.

Stay away from environmental toxins

Environmental toxins are everywhere, sometimes in places we wouldn’t expect. It’s important to be aware of these toxins and avoid them when possible. Avoid radiation, tobacco smoke and direct sun as much as possible. Be aware of pesticides found in food. Make sure to buy organic produce and wash it thoroughly before eating. Avoid plastic water bottles that are made with BPA and choose a reusable BPA-free bottle instead.

Maintain a healthy weight/exercise

Maintaining a healthy weight and staying active is always important, but especially is important for those who have had cancer. By keeping your body active, you are keeping your immune system in check as well. If you feel you need to lose or gain weight after you cancer treatment, consider a year-long plan to get back to what is healthy for you. As for exercise, start off slow. Just by adding a 20-minute walk into your day you can start ramping up your immune system. Exercise is also great for mental health and well being as well as staying in physical shape.

Don’t forget about your mental health

Cancer can be very traumatic, and so can treatment. You may have lingering feelings of stress, anxiety and depression from the experience. If you feel anxious about the cancer returning, consider joining a support group or talking to a professional. Yoga and meditation have also been proven to help lower stress and anxiety. Your mental health is just as important as your physical and should be addressed.